When launching this blog, I called For A State of Happiness a blog without blah blah but with a mission. And to realise the mission – help our countries and societies to achieve a state of happiness – my words here online aren’t going to get me all the way. To be really effective I need to speak to people directly.
That’s why I am very happy to announce to of my speaking opportunities in the next weeks:
Pecha Kucha Brussels, Tuesday 26 January 20.00, Halles de Schaerbeek
Pecha Kucha is a Japanese presentation format. A presenter in this format will show 20 slides, for 20 seconds each. No loooooooong and boring speeches, but quick and dynamic presentations. After 6 minutes 40 seconds, time’s up and over to the next speaker.
I’ll be speaking on ‘Jasper, The Search for Happiness, & You’. I’ve identified four archetypes for happiness. Curious what Kim Kardashian, Nelson Mandela, Buddha, and a mountain climber can teach you about happiness? Come listen on Tuesday 26 January, in the Halles de Schaerbeek, Rue Royale St Marie 22.
Radio Alma, Monday 1 February 21.00-22.00, www.radioalma.eu (in Italian)
For the Italian speakers under my readers, tune in to Radio Alma on Monday 1 February from 21.00 to 22.00. Last year I spoke abut happiness, and now I’ll make a retrun visit speaking about my trip to Bhutan and what I learnt about happiness.
Come listen soon in a theatre near you!